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Frederick Gratz
Director of Business Development Retirement Solutions, Inc.
Eric Green
Speaker, Partner at Green & Sklarz, LLC RCReports
Rhonda Greene
Principal Accounts Payable Solutions Consultant AvidXchange
Brian Greer
Partner, Chief Revenue Officer TaxConnex
Allyson Griffin
Principal Industry Solution Advisor, Wholesale Distribution / WMS NetSuite
Jody Grunden
Partner at Anders CPAs + Advisors, Head of Summit Virtual CFO by Anders Summit CPA Group, A Division of Anders CPAs + Advisors
Neil Guilmette
Executive Director CPA Network Inc
Weston Hadlock
Enterprise Account Executive Divvy
Natalie Hahn
Vice President of Demand Generation Quadient
William Hamilton
Speaker, Founder of SmartPath.co CPACharge
Jeff Hark
Director, Technical Accounting Connor Group
Craig Harris
Master Solution Consultant and Industry Principal: Apparel, Footwear and Accessories NetSuite
John Harrison
Executive Director SASBA
Sam Hart
Speaker, Technical Accounting Consultant, LeaseQuery NetSuite

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