Company details

Founded in 1991, Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (TPG) became a Green Dot company in 2014. TPG serves consumers nationwide with tax-related financial products and services that provide value, are fairly priced and satisfy consumer need. TPG offers tax-related financial products through a network of tax preparation franchises, independent tax professionals and online tax preparation providers. TPG is located in San Diego, California.

  • Brian Gable
    • Senior Leader VP Retention
    • Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (TPG)

    Brian joined TPG in July 2019 after 20+ years in the Merchant Services Industry where he managed Regional/National Sales and Relationship Management Teams for Chase Paymentech, Vantiv and Worldpay. He is responsible for the Relationship Management and retention of TPG’s Tax Preparers/EROs/Service Bureaus (27,000+ clients).

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