Busy Season 2021: When We Thrive, Our Teams Thrive

  • By Liz Briggson
  • February 23rd, 2021

We prepare for it. We brace for it. Or maybe, this year, we can embrace it. Ready or not, busy season is here.  

Divvy recently sponsored a one-hour webinar with Jon Lokhorst discussing how to “Thrive, Don’t Just Survive, This Busy Season.” We want to share the highlights with you, because we believe they can make a positive difference over the next few months.

Here we are, busy season 2021. Auditors are already deep in the details. Tax accountants are anxiously gathering client documents. Industry professionals are reporting results to their boards and shareholders. This is the time of year when accounting and finance professionals are quite literally burning the candle at both ends. 

Almost half of the CPAs in attendance at our recent webinar indicated they expect this busy season to be more stressful than usual. Hey, we’re known for our realistic expectations, right?

Let’s reframe our expectations a bit with three pointers from Jon Lokhorst:

  1. Strengthen your personal foundation.
  2. Improve your self-talk.
  3. Double-down on self-care.

Personal Foundation

Residential construction is booming in my area, and it’s fascinating to watch the diggers prepare the ground for the foundation to be poured. Compared to the time and resources it takes to build the foundation, the framing happens relatively quickly and effortlessly. In the same way, our personal foundations are built over time, and busy season is a flash in the pan comparatively. Revisiting our personal foundation, our why, at the start of every busy season allows us to connect with the reasons we are here in the first place. It reminds us of what we are building on. 

Ask yourself, “Why do you do what you do?” Write down the answer and consider creating visual cues. Jon reminds us, “Your response doesn’t have to be purely altruistic.” Personally, I find great satisfaction in facilitating meaningful events for CPAs and presenters. I also have a picture of a dream vacation home as part of my desktop background. I bet your “why” includes a mix of meaning and lifestyle, too.


We all do it. We talk to ourselves. The question isn’t IF, but WHERE and WHAT. You might find yourself having a conversation in the bathroom mirror, or perhaps notice a running dialogue with yourself in the car. Some messages may be subliminal while others are direct. They key is to recognize this happens and to speak positive words. 

Properly harnessed, self-talk can be a powerful tool. Consider the difference between heading into a client meeting reflecting on what you felt you did poorly last year, compared to heading into that same meeting reminding yourself, “I have grown. I am prepared. I am confident.” Choose to focus on self-talk that builds YOU up!


Remember the oxygen max adage? Or the saying, “You can’t draw water from an empty well?” You’ve heard it before, and we believe it’s so important we’re reminding you again. Take time to take care of yourself. If you felt you needed permission to schedule some time for self-care, consider this is it! 

Self-care looks a little different for everyone. We had fun hearing from our audience about their favorite forms of self-care. One adventuresome CPA finds an outlet in teaching scuba lessons. Self-care can look like everything from baking to wood carving to stepping outside and enjoying 20 minutes of fresh air. While self-care might entail heading to the spa, it can just as easily look like taking time to read a good book or focusing through a guided meditation. 

Consider the return on your investment when you can get back to work with greater focus, more energy, and sharper thinking. (Be right back, it’s time for a little self-care…)

When we take the time to build up ourselves, we have far more capacity to build up others. The end goal isn’t to treat ourselves kindly to thrive on an island, but to refuel ourselves to create an environment where our teams can thrive. One where our clients feel valued. One where our board members leave the board meeting with greater confidence in our organizations.

We can tackle busy season as positive, solution-oriented professionals, ready to take on whatever is to come.

We invite you to join us on March 4 for Jon Lokhorst’s upcoming webinar sponsored by Divvy. In his relatable, inspiring, and engaging style, Jon will discuss The Two Types of Goals You Need to be Successful in 2021.

About Divvy

Help your clients spend smarter with Divvy. Divvy provides you and your clients with the #1 corporate card & expense management platform—all for free. Divvy has combined seamless expense management software with the world’s smartest business card, so you and your clients never have to process another expense report. No costs or contracts—just free.

Visit https://getdivvy.com/partners/overview/ to learn more.

  • Tax season
  • busy season
  • divvy
About the author
Liz Briggson
Liz Briggson

Liz is a licensed CPA in the state of Michigan and a member of the Encoursa team. Liz also provides business valuation consulting services and is actively involved in the Grand Rapids, MI business community through the Association for Corporate Growth.

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