Webinar Details
Course Description

A well-written book can be a powerful marketing tool for any business, but it's especially helpful for CPAs. That's because the accounting profession is so competitive. There are a lot of firms out there vying for clients, so anything you can do to set yourself apart from the rest is a good idea. Writing a book is one way to make your firm stand out. When potential clients see that you've published a book, they'll view you as an expert in your field. They'll know that you're someone who is worth doing business with.

Writing a book will also position you as an authority figure in your field. This is important because people want to do business with experts. They want to work with someone who knows what they're doing and can be trusted to give quality advice. You don’t have to be a best-selling author to get the recognition you deserve. In fact, you can become a published author in as little as 6 weeks, stand out from the crowd, and increasingly make your competition irrelevant.

If you have ever considered writing a book to grow your CPA or advisory practice, you will not want to miss this session!

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize how you can write a “short book” and become a published author in as little as 6 weeks.
  • Discover how your book can become your best piece of marketing collateral as you provide case study examples, proof, and answers to common objections about working with you.
  • Identify why your prospective clients are more likely to read a short book and how it can become your “calling card.”
  • Recognize what you should include in a short book and how many words it should contain.
Who Should Attend

Qualified, Tax-Focused CPAs with multiple $1M+ AGI clients who enjoy learning the latest strategies in a fresh and highly-energizing format.

Advanced Preparation


Presenter Details
  • Paul McManus
    • Co-Founder and CEO

    Paul G. McManus is the Co-Founder & CEO of More Clients More Fun, a lead generation and content marketing agency, which has helped over 500+ CPAs, financial advisors, and business coaches since 2015. He is also the author of Million Dollar Producer: The Secret Playbook For Financial Professionals To Land High-Value Clients Using LinkedIn.

  • Alex Sonkin
    • Summit Speaker, Founder of the Due Diligence Project

    Alex Sonkin is the founder of The Due Diligence (DDP) Project™ and The Virtual Family Office (VFO) Hub™. 

    Mr. Sonkin has authored a book, called “The Due Diligence Project™” and has been published in “Money Matters-Volume #2”, both available on Amazon.  Alex has been featured in “The Top 100 Innovators & Entrepreneurs Magazine,” quoted in many articles regarding the evolution of the CPA industry, published in “Accounting Today” and has been interviewed on popular radio programs, including “It’s Your Money and Your Life!” Alex also hosts The Due Diligence Project Podcast™.

    Highly sought after, Mr. Sonkin has been invited to provide thought leadership throughout the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland... Read more

NASBA Sponsor
  • National Registry of CPE Sponsors for the QAS self-study delivery method
    Encoursa is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: NASBAregistry.org.
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 7, 2025

2:00 PM EDT (see additional timezones)

  • Webinars: CPE certificates will be accessible through your dashboard 1 hour after a webinar concludes.

    Self-Study: CPE certificates will be accessible through your dashboard immediately after passing the qualified assessment.

    For specific instructions on accessing your CPE, please see our FAQ section on our support page.

  • Multiple Attendees on Webinars: Each attendee should register separately for the webinar. If more than 1 attendee participated from the same device, please contact us after the event to let us know. For group signups for paid events, please contact us.

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