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  • Mary Read
    Mary Read

    National Director of Pension and Protection Planning

Mary Read CPC, QPA, CPFA is National Director of Pension and Protection Planning at Pentegra Retirement Services and partner of M & R Business Development Group. A leading authority in qualified retirement plans with more than 30 years’ experience, Mary has an extensive background in plan design and development and experience as a marketing executive, financial professional, pension analyst and pension compliance manager for an international company.

Before joining, Pentegra Mary was Vice President Qualified Plan Marketing for National Life Insurance Company. National Life Insurance Company supports career and independent producers in qualified plan sales and has been dedicated to writing qualified plan business for more than 65 years. Prior to joining National Life Mary was a Pension Consultant with an actuarial consulting firm, and previously was Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Retirement Planning for MONY Life Insurance Company of New York.

Mary is a frequent speaker on qualified plans and contributor to industry publications. Among her credits, she has taught pension classes across the country for major financial institutions and been a featured speaker at national meetings for the Society of Financial Service Professionals, AALU, LIMRA, MDRT and the Forum 400.

Mary is the author of three books: My Business is My Main Asset. I Want to Retire. Benefiting from a Plan, 412(e)(3) Safe. Stable. Secure and How to Use the Tax Code to Get the IRS Out of Your Retirement. Mary holds the Certified Pension Consultant (CPC) and Qualified Plan Administrator (QPA) designations from the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries and Qualified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA) designation from the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA). Mary provides CPE credit to CPAs as a NASBA National Registry of CPE Sponsor.

About Pentegra

The Pentegra name was derived from the words pension + integrity. Integrity is at the foundation of everything we do. 

Since its beginning more than 70 years ago, Pentegra has been a company that defines itself more by its values than a particular product or service. We’ve built our business by doing what we do the right way. By putting participants first. By accepting fiduciary responsibility and legal accountability for our work. By correctly representing what we do, what we don’t do, and how much we get paid. By following the rules, no matter how complex. These values serve as the foundation of Pentegra’s culture, character and brand. Responsibility for successful retirement plan outcomes—for our clients, their participants and our partners—is one that we take seriously. 

Integrity in all we do. That’s an advantage. 

Understanding what makes our retirement plan solutions unique starts with our story. Pentegra is one of the largest and most experienced multiple employer plan providers in the nation. We’ve specialized in multiple employer plan solutions—having sponsored two of the largest multiple employer plans in the United States for over 70 years. This focused expertise has helped us develop single employer plans from a unique perspective. Which is why with every retirement solution, we bring the same focus—relieving you of the fiduciary and administrative burdens that come with sponsoring a retirement plan. 

Comprehensive retirement plan solutions. That’s an advantage.

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