Company details
At The Archer Financial Group, we facilitate the planning for several billionaires, well-known celebrities and entertainers, fortune 500 families, as well as over 200 professional athletes from the MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL.
While applying many of the traditional facets of insurance, we, at The Archer Financial Group like to promote a progressive think-tank approach to our business practice. We utilize an entrepreneurial spirit and vision to help strategize solutions, take advantage of opportunities and optimize benefits to aide our clients in moving forward confidently and successfully into the future.
We achieve a comprehensive understanding of the management and financial concerns facing our clientele. This enables us to make recommendations to our clients as an active and involved partner in their finances. We have over 30 years of expertise and experience identifying superior companies and products. Our implementation of insurance strategies for individuals and families withstand the test of time. We are focused on providing the best solution for our clients.
Tom Archer
- Founder
- The Archer Financial Group
For over 33 years Tom Archer has been the financial advisor to the wealthiest families in the country. His clients include several Forbes 500 families including 22 billionaires as well as many well-known celebrities and entertainers. Tom also handles over 200 professional athletes, keeping the focus on wealth accumulation, wealth preservation, and asset protection.
Tom Archer was born in the South Bronx not far from Yankee Stadium. He attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help Grammar School and St. John the Baptist High School, where he received All League honors in baseball. Tom boxed as a youngster and later competed in the mixed martial arts where he currently holds a black belt. Tom had many baseball scholarship offers an... Read more
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