Company details
TaxPlanIQ is a SaaS app allowing tax firms to quote, implement & follow up with clients & staff on the ROI in tax strategies. Developed by Jackie Meyer, CPA
Jackie Meyer
- CEO of Meyer Tax, The Concierge Accountant, and TaxPlanIQ
- TaxPlanIQ
In a profession losing more accountants than gaining them, Jackie Meyer is passionate about innovating tax firms, as a 40 under 40 Honoree since 2018. We need practical but efficient change to increase recruitment, retention, sanity, and balance. The best way to do so is through changing our pricing modules to The ROI Method(tm), fixing our culture and workaholism tendencies, and sharing best practices that better every firm out there. As a CPA firm owner herself (2010-2022), founder of Certified Concierge Accountant training programs, and SaaS founder of TaxPlanIQ, she speaks to tens of thousands of accountants every year on what is and isn't working and can recommend a transformational change to practices. She also hosts a Facebook gro... Read more
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