Company details

Madison 1031 is one of the nation’s leading Qualified Intermediaries handling §1031 Exchanges. A §1031 Exchange allows an investor to defer all federal and state capital gains taxes when selling a property and reinvesting the proceeds in a new property. Madison 1031 is known not only for its up-to-the-minute expertise in tax code regulations and best practices, but also for its unique ability to structure even the most complex transaction so that it properly qualifies as an Exchange.

  • Michael S. Brady, Esq., CES
    • Executive Vice President
    • Madison 1031

    Michael S. Brady is Executive Vice President for Madison 1031, a national qualified intermediary for tax deferred exchanges pursuant to Internal Revenue Code §1031. As a Certified Exchange Specialist® and an attorney, his responsibilities include consulting with clients and their advisors to provide guidance on the regulations affecting 1031 exchanges, as well as overseeing Madison 1031 Exchange’s national sales and marketing efforts. He frequently gives seminars for attorneys, accountants, and real estate professionals, and publishes articles on tax and legal issues.

    Prior to joining Madison 1031, Mr. Brady was Vice President of Eastern Operations for Asset Preservation, Inc., the 1031 exchange qualified intermediary subsidiary of... Read more

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